Saturday, 1 March 2014


The seeds of the only alternative of mass scale production by multinational private sector in even today's complex and complicated global village are hidden only in the experiments done by the communes of the socialist societies of our forefathers, who revolted against exploitation successfully. 

The motive behind the large scale production by capital is profit only. Capital is not interested at all in any healthy attempt to fulfil the basic needs of the people because in capitalist system the direct producers of the wealth are pauperized and the ownership of the whole wealth is concentrated in the hands of handful of capitalists. Only eightyfive families own half of the total wealth today. And they have their vested interest everywhere.

Only by decentralisation of production and providing the decetralised power of decision to different committees of the real representatives of the masses of people. These committees will co-ordinate with each other in all the fields of activities necessary for the society and form the frame of the state power of the socialist system. We will reorganise the system of society and production to cope with all the needs of the masses. 

And then there will neither be the super profite of the world capital, nor the anarchy of market in production and distribution. As both these factors are responsible for most of our social problems, many problems like poverty, enemployment, malneutrition, uneducation, corruption, price hike, elianation, black-marketing and killing work-load on the workers will be solved easily. 

It is not that easy today to explain this idea after fall of the socialist states because once again certainly we are bound to think deeply and chalk out creatively the strategy and tactics for progress in each and every field of life and regarding the inherent negative factors of the socialist system with the destructive external factors, which were responsible for its fall. 

And as we have learned the negative lessons of the destruction of socialist society of yesterday, we will have to rethink and reorganise the system of tomorrow in such a ballenced way that may be capable of making defeat of revolution impossible in the society after the revolutions have once again taken place in the human society after overthrowing the yock of wage slavery of the today's “FINANCIAL NEOCOLONIAL SYSTEM OF THE WORLD CAPITAL”.

Lastly I can say only one more thing that the revolutions of tomorrow are not going to be only a copy of the revolutions of previous generations. The world has changed much since then and the forms and contents of the social change are bound to be according the complexities of the world today. 

We have to develop so many models of mass-work in different areas of our vast country according to the specific conditions of that particular area to develop the scientific outlook of the masses, to provide jobs to hands and thoughts to brains on micro level. We have to improve our creative attempts for it to the highest possible pitch. We have to solve minor contradictions of the masses wisely and minutely without any antagonistic blood-shed. 

We have to prepare proper circumstances at macro level for the solidarity of all the pro-people forces. Once such solidarity is evolved, it will be visible to so many of our friends and comrades that the wind is going to blow from east now. Only after this development it will be possible and easier for us to plan further the frame of mass-movement to transform the form and content of the socio-politico-economic picture of our nation and the world.

The Status Update By Comrade Ashok Kumar Sharma -
"Many of our Facebook friends abuse corporate sector for most of the ills in our society. However, they do not give any alternative to this menace. Do they need nationalization of all sectors of economy or, family run businesses of yester-years? Can the economy manage without big businesses ? Who will run airlines, telecom companies, construction activities, mining, steel plants, textile mills, auto manufacturing plants, heavy engineering enterprises, and so on? Will you like to have only small scale or, cottage industry which can not compete with cheap Chinese & Vietnamese goods either in price or, quality? When the items reserved for small scale sector are also being imported, what is the future of Indian economy without economies of scale and huge R&D expenditure? Our manufacturing has died because of negative attitude towards manufacturing sector and we have lost millions of jobs to Bangladesh, China and Vietnam etc. Labour law reforms can not be undertaken because of this negative attitude. How will small scale pharmaceutical companies invest in R&D and develop new molecules? Should we remain dependent on MNCs and their patents and make drugs unavailable to over a billion people. Do our friends from NGO Sector and Leftist groups believe that politicians and bureaucrats running the state capitalism of Soviet type can perform better than the private sector? From where will they get capital if most such enterprises will run on state subsidies and with losses ? It is a fashion to criticize the Corporate Sector as well as big capital, but is there any alternative? Should India quit WTO and become cocooned like North Korea? Can our NGO friends and so-called revolutionaries give an alternative form of running the economy? Can we survive without exports? If we do not export, how will we import oil, gas and fertilizer ? If we do not allow access to our markets, who will allow us access to their markets? It seems that many comments are made either without the knowledge of basic economics or, because of frustration. We do need rapid economic growth. Only then we can provide social justice. Any growth alternatives ???"

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