My Dear Friend, today one of my friends suggested me not to trust everyone blindly.
I had only one reply. I told him - "if we want to change our social system based on exploitation, oppression, injustice and corruption, we must take care of each and every person with full responsibility, whosoever comes to us from the society.
If we don't want any sabotage, we must leave our work of changing the world.
Otherwise we must be prepared always to face 'THE WORST' response from any of OUR family members, relatives, neighbours, students, friends, colleagues or comrades.
Because we all have our 'BIRTH-SCARS', which come with us from our own background.
And our background is only a part of the system dehumanising us all at each and every step of our lives.
We are to change the person who comes in our contact fully by the process of transformation of personality.
We are to transform his circumstances, his behaviour, his thoughts, his outlook, his backwardness, his limitations.
We are to cultivate a new strength from his inner self.
We must try to change his weaknesses into his strength.
We may fail in our attempt, but we can't change our aim.
We have no option till we believe in and follow the slogan given by our great Path-Finder fore-father Rahul Sankrityayan -
"Don't Quit, Change The World."
with a lot of love and full hope in a better tomorrow - your's girijesh (18.7.15)
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