Come, come and kill me.
Kill me you all hardened criminals,
sworn enemies of humanity,
cunning kings of the so-called democracy.
Either you kill me,
Or I will fight till my death,
against you all,
with and for the masses of
my simple, hard, toiling people.
Don't forget the universal truth
repeated throughout history again and again.
It is you to be defeated at last,
who have vested interestsin this arrogant system,
that stands only on the process of blood-sucking.
I know the science of Life,
which has taught me,
"He, who fights, wins certainly."
And you know, know you very well -
I have fought,
I am fighting,
I will fight
till my death.

आज़मगढ़ में कितने प़तिप़शत लोग अंग़ेज़ी बोलते हैं ? इस ब्लाग को हिन्दी और अंग़ेज़ी दोनों का बनाइये । एक सुझाव है ।