O my daughters! O my sons!
Get up from the mentality of hybernation.
Stop staggering and swinging like pendulum.
Decide the target of your own precious but limited life-span.
Remember the rotating eye of revolving fish above boiling oil
And its viewer eye of the confident bowman and his challenges.
Talk to friends but if none is in condition to acompany you in your
Voyage because of his own liabilities and limitations.
Don’t blame any of them under any circumstances.
Say them good-bye with whole-hearted tears and a cheering smile
To be remembered afterwards in their loneliness.
Don’t hesitate, make-up your own mind.
Calculate your limited strengths and unlimited weaknesses.
Ride the spring-board and jump in deep water of adversities to decide and do.
Whatever the result may be,
Let it take its most furious shape or be the sweet fruit of sweat.
Hope for the best and be prepared for the worst.
Always be ready to take the last breath of life.
But niether quit nor surrender in the struggle of victory or death.
Step forward, dare to proceed alone on the unknown path of life.
Strike your heavy hammer on the rocks which are hurdles of your track.
Smash their arrogance and even existance into pieces.
Always remember, ‘time and tide wait for none.’
Proceed, proceed and proceed at any cost towards the goal.
And you will find success is bound to chase you.
Whenever and wherever you go.
People will talk about you only, either you be there or not.
Some of them criticizing, more appreciating,
And the most trying to help you in one way or other
In spite of their limitations.
Some of dare-devils even may come
To boost your morale and encourage you by uttering -
“We are with you till the last drop of blood in our bodies.
But kindly continue your fight.
Because it is YOU to change the world.
Your name is on the flag of movement of freedom of humanity
From cruel clutches of cunning masters of this DEMONOCRACY.”
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