सृजन की सम्भावना के प्रबल स्वप्न मचल पडे़ हैं।
किन्तु नवनिर्माण में कुछ ध्वन्स तो करना पडे़गा।
ध्वन्स के संकल्प की दृढ़ आस्था से जल पडे़ हैं।
खून पीती जोंक फूली जा रही है,
राष्ट्र को अब जातिवाद पढ़ा रही है।
शत्रु लोभी, कुटिल, कुत्सित, बेरहम है,
हो रही अपमान से पीड़ा चरम है।
नष्ट करने भ्रष्ट शासन को अडे़ हैं।
तिलमिलाती अस्मिता की दलित क्षमता,
घात से, उपहास से आक्रोश तीखा;
श्रम निरन्तर, गति सतत,
हैं वेदना-संवेदना के तार झंकृत ।
जिन्दगी की भृकुटियों पर बल पडे़ हैं।
अब न यह सब सह सकेंगे,
हम नहीं चुप रह सकेंगे।
वक्त करता प्रश्न...
हम उत्तर बनेंगे।
हमीं क्या?
पहले हजारों पूर्वज भी
शान से इन्साफ़ की ख़ातिर लडे़ हैं।
कोटि कण्ठों से निरन्तर,
क्रान्ति के आह्वान के स्वर;
गूँजते आकाश में,
उद्दाम आशा से प्रखरतर।
बात अपनी हम कहेंगे...
‘खोजने प्रतिशोध-पथ की चुनौती के हल बडे़ हैं।’
(महाप्राण 'निराला' की प्रेरक स्मृति को समर्पित)

____"Voices of the Revolution"____
Marching we are to sacrifice our lives in nation-building.
Lots of yearned dreams of creative possibilities are springing.
But some destruction is must in re-formation.
Burning we are with a staunch belief in the pledge of destruction.
The blood-sucking leach is swelling,
Now teaching casteism to the nation.
The enemy is greedy, crooked, disgusting, merciless,
Feeling extreme pain due to humiliation.
Standing firmly to eliminate the corrupt regime.
Irritated is the talent of oppressed dignity,
Sharp exasperation for being deceived by contemptuous mockery;
Labor unceasing, relentless pace,
Vibrating are the resonate strings of suffering-compassion.
Eyebrows of the Life are twisted.
It all is unbearable now,
We can’t remain silent.
The time is questioning...
We are to be the answer.
Only we ?
Thousands of ancestors also
Gracefully have fought for justice.
From billions throats continously,
Calls of invitation for revolution;
Echoing in the sky,
Shrill with boisterous hope.
We'll express our dictum...
"Solutions of the grave challenges
are to be explored in the vengeance-path." – Girijesh (27.7.15.)
THIS TRANSLATION OF MY POEM "क्रान्ति के स्वर"

____"Voices of the Revolution"____
Marching we are to sacrifice our lives in nation-building.
Lots of yearned dreams of creative possibilities are springing.
But some destruction is must in re-formation.
Burning we are with a staunch belief in the pledge of destruction.
The blood-sucking leach is swelling,
Now teaching casteism to the nation.
The enemy is greedy, crooked, disgusting, merciless,
Feeling extreme pain due to humiliation.
Standing firmly to eliminate the corrupt regime.
Irritated is the talent of oppressed dignity,
Sharp exasperation for being deceived by contemptuous mockery;
Labor unceasing, relentless pace,
Vibrating are the resonate strings of suffering-compassion.
Eyebrows of the Life are twisted.
It all is unbearable now,
We can’t remain silent.
The time is questioning...
We are to be the answer.
Only we ?
Thousands of ancestors also
Gracefully have fought for justice.
From billions throats continously,
Calls of invitation for revolution;
Echoing in the sky,
Shrill with boisterous hope.
We'll express our dictum...
"Solutions of the grave challenges
are to be explored in the vengeance-path." – Girijesh (27.7.15.)
THIS TRANSLATION OF MY POEM "क्रान्ति के स्वर"
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